Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Look who's graduated to the "big bath"

We finally got Haley out of her whale shaped tub and into a real bath. As you can see, she loves it! She squeals with laughter the whole time.

I'm ready for my bath

What do you mean I can't bring my corn popper in the tub???

A New Favorite

Haley loves walking around with this huge ball. Most of the time she can't even see where she's going! Luckily, if she falls she just bounces off of stuff. She's becoming much more coordinated and is doing really well with her walking (sometimes running).

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Little Miss Destructo

Poor Haley is sick for the first time in her little life. She's on the road to recovery, but in the meantime, it's been a bit difficult to keep her mind off of how lousy she feels. One of her favorite things to do is take all the books off her bookshelf, so today I let her pretty much disassemble her entire room. After she was done, I put it all back, then she did it again...and again.